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This chapter is divided into 3 parts:

1) Kilometer, meter and centimeter conversions

2) Kilogram and Gram Conversion

3) Litre and Millilitre Conversion

Each of these sections have the following

a) Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of each units i.e.

Addition of kilometer units, kilogram units and Litre units similarly subtraction, multiplication and Division


Now the table of Conversion:

Kilometer Meter Centimeter
km (short form) mt cm
1 kilometer = 1000 meter   
  1 meter = 100 cm
1 km =   100000 centimeter


Kilogram Gram  
kg (short form) gm  
1 kilogram = 1000 grams   


Litre MilliLitre  
l (short form) ml  
1 Litre = 1000 millilitre  



1) Addition:


Addition of Kilometer units Addition of Kilogram and Grams Addition of Litre and MilliLitre
  Km m Kg gm Litre ml
  200 13 1 1 1 1       1 1
112 59 320 55


189 74


089 74


102 65
Answer = 389 87 Answer= 202 33 Answer = 423 20


2) Subtraction:


Subtraction of Kilometer units Subtraction of Kilogram and Grams Subtraction of Litre and MilliLitre
  Km m Kg gm Litre ml
  1 9 9 10 13 0 10 11 15    1 9 15
200 13 112 59 320 55


189 74


089 74


102 65
Answer = 010 39 Answer= 022 85 Answer = 217 90


3) Multiplication:

Now multiplication sums are little bit difficult. Book does not show how to multiply with 2 digits as shown below. So we have shown easier method to do multiplication.  The methods written below are shown in text book.

------------------------------------------------------------------METHOD 1 -------------------------------------------------


You have 200km and 83 mt multiply with 74

Step 1: MULTIPLY 200 and 83 separately.

Here you have to multiply 200 km x 74 separately = 14800 km

then multiply 83mt x 74 = 6142 meter which is  6km and 142 meter

Therefore answer = 14800 km +6 km and 142 meter

14806 km and 142 meter.


If you have 2 km and 8 meter and 105 cm multiply with 74 then procedure is same


a) 2 x 74 = 148 km

b) 8 x 74 = 592 mt

c) 105 x 74 = 7770 cm which is 77 mt and 70 cm

Therefore adding it all up we get 148 km 592 mt + 77 mt and 70 cm

Answer: 148 km, 669 mt and 70 cm.

------------------------------------------------------------------END OF METHOD 1 --------------------------------------------------------


------------------------------------------------------------------METHOD 2------------------------------------------------------------------

Let's multiply 2 km and 8 mt and 105 cm by 74

Second method is to convert everything into smallest unit that is in cm.

For example for 2 km and 8 mt and 105 cm if all converted into cm we get

2 km = 200000 cm

8mt = 800 cm

105 cm

Adding all up we get = 200000 + 800 + 105 = 200905 cm

When 200905 x 74 = 14866970 cm

which is 148 km 669 mt and 70 cm.

This answer is same as calculated above.

-----------------------------------------------------------------METHOD 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------

COMMENT: Multiplication and Division sums for Money and Metric Measurements involve use of decimal system which is not yet taught in Grade 3. Once Decimal System is taught then they will be in better position to apply it for money and metric measurement chapters.

In this grade a thorough understanding of basic addition, subtraction, division and multiplication is required.



DIVISION AS SHOWN IN BOOK IS NOT CLEAR. Method described below is similar to text book except it is made

simple here.

We prefer the following method:

Suppose you want to divide 2 km and 8 mt and 105 cm by 74

Then convert everything to cm we get: 200905 cm

Simply divide 200905/74 we get = 2714 cm.

Which is 27 mt and 14 cm. Answer.





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