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- Conversion of Rupees to Paisa

                        1 rupee       =     100 paisa

Therefore         10 rupees  =        ?(how much)

Cross multiply:                 10x 100  

                                     _________    =  1000 paisa


- Conversion of Paisa to Rupees

                        1 rupee                         =    100 paisa

Therefore        ?(how much)                =     5913 paisa

Cross Multiply:    1 x 5913

                         ____________     = Rs. 59.13


Addition of Money:

                   Rs.    4151    Paisa  10

+                 Rs.    55      Paisa   90


                   Rs.   101      Paisa  00


Subtraction of money:         

Subtract Rs. 199 and 89 paisa from Rs. 303 and 01 paisa              

                            Rs.  32 09 312              Paisa    0 9 111

-                           Rs. 1    9   9                Paisa    8   9


                            Rs   1   0   3                Paisa   1   2




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